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Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • M. Kenta Mori : he was an intern from NAIST, working in the field of telecommunications applied to ITS applications, under the supervision of Mrs. Oyunchimeg Shagdar.

  • M. José Javier Anaya Catala : he was an intern from the Technical University of Madrid (UPM, Spain). He developed a vehicle-to-pedestrian communication protocole using WiFi devices.

  • Miss Oriana Rojas-Michelena : she was an intern from Simón Bolìvar University and she developed an on-board vehicle controller dedicated to the management of the approach of traffic lights.

  • M. Ray Lattarulo Arias : he was an intern from Simón Bolìvar University (Venezuela). He developed a fuzzy controller to follow Bezier-like trajectories executed by a cybercar.

  • Ernest Creiser : he was an intern from ENSAE ParisTech / Univ. Paris Dauphine. He worked on the development of man-machine interfaces dedicated to the EU-FURBOT project.

  • Mohamed Maddouri : he was intern from Télécom SudParis and he developed a tool dedicated to the calibration of a laser-camera set used in a moving vehicle.